Customizing buttons with css

These buttons will change according to the theme you set for your HTML output, but you can also further modify them with the power of css.

You can simply pass a class to download_this() and define this class in css.

Changing size

Show css code
.button_large {
  font-size: 24px;

mtcars %>%
    output_name = "mtcars dataset",
    output_extension = ".csv",
    button_label = "Download data as csv",
    button_type = "default",
    has_icon = TRUE,
    icon = "fa fa-save",
    class = "button_large"

Changing font-family

Show css code
.button_times_new_roman {
  font-family: "Times New Roman";
  font-size: 14px;

mtcars %>%
    output_name = "mtcars dataset",
    output_extension = ".csv",
    button_label = "Download data as csv",
    button_type = "default",
    has_icon = TRUE,
    icon = "fa fa-save",
    class = "button_times_new_roman"

Adding animation on hover

Show css code
/* from */
.hvr-sweep-to-left {
  display: inline-block;
  vertical-align: middle;
  -webkit-transform: perspective(1px) translateZ(0);
  transform: perspective(1px) translateZ(0);
  box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
  position: relative;
  -webkit-transition-property: color;
  transition-property: color;
  -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s;
  transition-duration: 0.3s;
.hvr-sweep-to-left:before {
  content: "";
  position: absolute;
  z-index: -1;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  background: #2098D1;
  -webkit-transform: scaleX(0);
  transform: scaleX(0);
  -webkit-transform-origin: 100% 50%;
  transform-origin: 100% 50%;
  -webkit-transition-property: transform;
  transition-property: transform;
  -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s;
  transition-duration: 0.3s;
  -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease-out;
  transition-timing-function: ease-out;
.hvr-sweep-to-left:hover, .hvr-sweep-to-left:focus, .hvr-sweep-to-left:active {
  color: white;
.hvr-sweep-to-left:hover:before, .hvr-sweep-to-left:focus:before, .hvr-sweep-to-left:active:before {
  -webkit-transform: scaleX(1);
  transform: scaleX(1);

mtcars %>%
    output_name = "mtcars dataset",
    output_extension = ".csv",
    button_label = "Download data as csv",
    button_type = "default",
    has_icon = TRUE,
    icon = "fa fa-save",
    class = "hvr-sweep-to-left"