The package trinROC
helps to assess three-class Receiver
Operating Characteristic (ROC) type data. It provides functions for
three statistical tests as described in Noll et
al. (2019) along with functions for Exploratory Data Analysis
(EDA) and visualization.
We assume that the reader has some background in ROC analysis as well as some understanding of the terminology associated with Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC) and Volume Under the ROC Surface (VUS) indices. See Nakas (2014) or Noll et al. (2019) for a concise overview.
This vignette consists of the following parts:
The package also contains two small data sets cancer
mimicking results of clinical studies. The datasets
are fairly small and used in this vignette (and in the examples of the
help files) to illustrate the functionality of the functions.
We assume a three-class setting, where one or more classifier yields
measurements X=x on a continuous
scale for the groups of healthy (D−), intermediate (D0) and diseased (D+) individuals. By convention, larger
values of x represent a more severe
status of the disease. The package trinROC
statistical tests to assess the discriminatory power of such
classifiers. These tests are:
), developed by
Noll et al. (2019);trinVUS.test
), developed by Xiong et al. (2007);boot.test
), developed by Nakas and Yiannoutsos (2004).In this document, we refer to the tests by the corresponding R function name. All tests can assess a single classifier, as well as compare two paired or unpaired classifiers.
As their names suggest, the underlying testing approach is different and either based on VUS or on ROC. Hence, their null hypotheses differ as well, as illustrated now.
Given two classifiers, boot.test
are based on the null hypothesis VUS1=VUS2 with the Z-statistic
If the data of the two classifiers is unpaired, the term Cov(VUS1,VUS2) is zero. If a single classifier is investigated, the null hypothesis is VUS1=1/6 with the Z-statistic
which is equivalent to compared the VUS of the classifier to the volume of an uninformative classifier. Details about the estimators are given in the aforementioned papers.
In the trinormal model, the ROC surface is given by
where Φ is the cdf of the standard normal distribution and a, b, c and d are functions of the means and standard deviations of the three groups:
Given two classifiers, trinROC.test
investigates the
shape of the two ROC surfaces. Hence, the resulting null hypothesis is
a1=a2, b1=b2, c1=c2 and d1=d2, i.e., the the surfaces have the
same shape. Under the null hypothesis, the test statistic
\begin{align*} \chi^2 = \begin{pmatrix} \widehat{a}_1 - \widehat{a}_2 &\widehat{b}_1 -\widehat{b}_2 & \widehat{c}_1-\widehat{c}_2 & \widehat{d}_1-\widehat{d}_2 \end{pmatrix} { \widehat{\boldsymbol{W}}}^{-1} \begin{pmatrix} \widehat{a}_1 - \widehat{a}_2 \\ \widehat{b}_1 - \widehat{b}_2 \\ \widehat{c}_1-\widehat{c}_2 \\ \widehat{d}_1- \widehat{d}_2 \end{pmatrix}, \end{align*}
is distributed approximately as a chi-squared random variables with four degrees of freedom, where \widehat{\boldsymbol{W}} contains the corresponding estimated variances and covariances. The test rejects if \chi^2 > \chi_{\alpha}^2, i.e., if the test statistics exceeds the chi-squared quantile with four degrees of freedom of a pre-defined confidence level \alpha.
When the data is unpaired, \widehat{a}_1, \widehat{b}_1, \widehat{c}_1, \widehat{d}_1 are independent from \widehat{a}_2, \widehat{b}_2, \widehat{c}_2, \widehat{d}_2, respectively, and hence every combination of covariances between them is zero.
It is also possible to investigate a single classifier with the above method. Instead of an existing second classifier, we compare the estimates \widehat{a}_1 , \widehat{b}_1, \widehat{c}_1 and \widehat{d}_1 of a single marker with those from an artificial marker. If we want to detect whether a single marker is significantly better in allocating individuals to the three classes than a random allocation function we would set the parameters of our null hypothesis a_{Ho} = 1= c_{Ho}, as we assume equal spread in the classes and b_{Ho} = 0 = d_{Ho}, as we impose equal means. This yields the null hypothesis a_1=1, b_1=0, c_1=1, d_1=0, which leads to the chi-squared test
\begin{align*} {\chi}^2 = & \begin{pmatrix} \widehat{a}_1 -1 & \widehat{b}_1 & \widehat{c}_1 -1 & \widehat{d}_1 \end{pmatrix} \widehat{\boldsymbol{W}}^{-1} \begin{pmatrix} \widehat{a}_1 -1 \\ \widehat{b}_1 \\ \widehat{c}_1 - 1 \\ \widehat{d}_1 \end{pmatrix}. \end{align*}
We now illustrate the use of the test functions with the artificial
dataset cancer
#> 'data.frame': 100 obs. of 10 variables:
#> $ trueClass: Factor w/ 3 levels "healthy","intermediate",..: 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ...
#> $ Class1 : num 1.42 1.69 1.08 1.79 1.46 0.1 1.91 2.57 1 1.87 ...
#> $ Class2 : num 2.31 2.36 1.72 2.34 1.97 0.74 2.82 2.71 1.67 2.51 ...
#> $ Class3 : num -4647 -3694 -5119 -6352 -11509 ...
#> $ Class4 : num -1622958 -1591840 -2299714 -2050907 -2629864 ...
#> $ Class5 : num -476 -473 -618 -564 -901 ...
#> $ Class6 : num 12.36 8.81 9.15 5.52 11.85 ...
#> $ Class7 : num 2.48 4.38 2.3 2.41 4.68 1.34 3.18 2.35 1.83 2.83 ...
#> $ Class8 : num 3.02 2.98 2.94 3.01 2.93 2.95 3.02 3.03 2.93 3.06 ...
#> $ Class9 : num -0.75 -0.86 -1.31 -0.27 -1.71 -1.39 -0.46 -1.06 -2.19 -0.91 ...
The first column is a factor indicating the (true) class membership of each individual. The three levels have to be ordered according to heaviness of disease, i.e., healthy, intermediate and diseased (nor the names nor the sorting of the elements plays a role). The other columns contain the measurements yielded by Classifier 1 to 9. Further we note that some columns where multiplied by -1 in order to fulfill the convention that more diseased individuals have (in general) higher measurements.
For illustration, let us assess Class2
of the data set
using the function trinROC.test
out <- trinROC.test(dat = cancer[,c("trueClass","Class2")])
#> Trinormal based ROC test for single classifier assessment
#> data: healthy intermediate diseased of Class2
#> Chi-Squared test = 50, df = 4, p-value = 3.6e-10
#> alternative hypothesis: true a1-a2, b1-b1, c1-c2 and d1-d2 is not equal to 0
#> sample estimates:
#> VUS a b c d
#> Class2 0.43282 1.7985 -1.2837 0.82683 0.58355
The function returns a list of class "htest"
, similar to
other tests from the stats
package. Additionally to the
standard list elements, we also obtain detailed information about data
and the sample estimates (VUS, and if applicable, estimates of a, b, c
and d)
out[ c("estimate", "Summary", "CovMat")]
#> $estimate
#> VUS a b c d
#> Class2 0.43282 1.7985 -1.2837 0.82683 0.58355
#> $Summary
#> n mu sd
#> healthy 38 1.3603 0.22602
#> intermediate 25 1.6504 0.40650
#> diseased 37 1.9373 0.49164
#> $CovMat
#> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
#> [1,] 0.107252 -0.030377 0.0297408 0.0000000
#> [2,] -0.030377 0.177380 0.0000000 0.0594815
#> [3,] 0.029741 0.000000 0.0229112 0.0065202
#> [4,] 0.000000 0.059482 0.0065202 0.0589744
More specifically:
displays a summary table of n_\ell, \mu_\ell and \sigma_\ell for \ell = -,0,+, the three classes D^-, D^0 and D^+.$CovMat
or $Sigma
displays the covariance
matrix of the test.The tests trinVUS.test
and boot.test
ROCsin <- trinROC.test(dat = cancer[,c(1,3)])
VUSsin <- trinVUS.test(dat = cancer[,c(1,3)])
bootsin <- boot.test(dat = cancer[,c(1,3)], n.boot = 250)
c( ROCsin$p.value, VUSsin$p.value, bootsin$p.value)
#> [1] 3.6294e-10 2.3492e-06 1.8596e-05
The test functions trinROC.test
and boot.test
handle either data
frames that have the same form as cancer
or single vectors
specifying the three groups. For example
(x1 <- with(cancer, cancer[trueClass=="healthy", 3]))
#> [1] 1.21 1.50 1.10 0.96 0.93 1.52 1.74 1.55 0.88 1.43 1.43 1.36 1.38 1.36 1.43
#> [16] 1.38 1.32 1.29 0.96 1.23 1.19 1.40 1.75 1.44 1.32 1.73 1.62 1.39 1.22 1.28
#> [31] 1.56 1.05 1.42 1.58 1.69 1.47 1.55 1.07
(y1 <- with(cancer, cancer[trueClass=="intermediate", 3]))
#> [1] 1.58 1.98 1.63 1.32 1.85 2.07 2.03 0.93 1.53 1.91 2.09 2.40 1.79 1.37 1.16
#> [16] 1.81 2.47 1.60 1.91 0.93 1.47 1.56 0.99 1.41 1.47
(z1 <- with(cancer, cancer[trueClass=="diseased", 3]))
#> [1] 2.31 2.36 1.72 2.34 1.97 0.74 2.82 2.71 1.67 2.51 2.18 2.47 1.88 1.89 1.69
#> [16] 1.35 1.90 2.33 1.79 2.03 2.24 2.01 1.01 2.88 1.68 1.13 1.11 1.23 1.92 1.69
#> [31] 2.18 2.37 1.82 1.59 1.94 2.20 2.02
ROCsin2 <- trinROC.test(x1, y1, z1)
## All numbers are equal; sole difference is name of data:
all.equal(ROCsin, ROCsin2, check.attributes = FALSE)
#> [1] "Component \"\": 1 string mismatch"
Assume we now want to compare Class2
. If the data is paired, we take this into account by
setting paired = TRUE
ROCcomp <- trinROC.test(dat = cancer[,c(1,3,5)], paired = TRUE)
ROCcom <- trinROC.test(dat = cancer[,c(1,3,5)])
#> [1] 0.021933
#> [1] 0.12891
# is equal to:
x2 <- with(cancer, cancer[trueClass=="healthy", 5])
y2 <- with(cancer, cancer[trueClass=="intermediate", 5])
z2 <- with(cancer, cancer[trueClass=="diseased", 5])
ROCcomp2 <- trinROC.test(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, paired = TRUE)
Beside the argument paired
it is also possible to adjust
the confidence level (default is conf.level = 0.95
). For
the trinVUS.test
and the boot.test
one can
also specify the alternative hypothesis
(alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater")
). This not
possible for the trinROC.test
, as this is a chi-squared
In this section, we outline the code used to construct the empirical power curves of Figures 2, 3 etc. For simplicity, here and in the paper, we set the mean and variances if the healthy group to zero and one, respectively. The variances of the intermediate and diseased groups are pre-specified (“slight crossing”). Finally the remaining means are found based on a desired VUS.
require( ggplot2, quietly = TRUE)
require( MASS, quietly = TRUE)
N <- 25
reps <- 99 # Is set to 1000 in the paper
rho <- 0.5 # paired setting if rho!=0
sd.y1 <- 1.25; sd.y2 <- 1.5 # this corresponds to medium crossing
sd.z1 <- 1.5; sd.z2 <- 2
Vus <- c(0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45)
lVus <- length(Vus)
result <- matrix(0, lVus, reps)
tmp <- findmu(sdy=sd.y1, sdz=sd.z1, VUS=Vus[1])
mom1 <- tmp[,2]
names(mom1) <- tmp[,1]
for (m in 1:lVus){ # cycle over different VUS
mom2 <- findmu(sdy=sd.y2, sdz=sd.z2, VUS=Vus[m])[,2]
names(mom2) <- tmp[,1]
for( i in 1:reps) { # cycle over replicates
SigmaX <- matrix(c(1, rho, rho, 1), 2, 2)
SigmaY <- matrix(c(sd.y1^2, sd.y1*sd.y2*rho,
sd.y1*sd.y2*rho, sd.y2^2), 2, 2)
SigmaZ <- matrix(c(sd.z1^2, sd.z1*sd.z2*rho,
sd.z1*sd.z2*rho, sd.z2^2), 2, 2)
x <- mvrnorm(N, c(0, 0), SigmaX)
y <- mvrnorm(N, c(mom1["muy"], mom2["muy"]), SigmaY)
z <- mvrnorm(N, c(mom1["muz"], mom2["muz"]), SigmaZ)
MT <- trinROC.test(x1 = x[,1], y1 = y[,1], z1 = z[,1],
x2 = x[,2], y2 = y[,2], z2 = z[,2], paired = (rho!=0))
result[m,i] <- MT$p.value
empPow <- data.frame(x = Vus, value = rowMeans(result<0.05))
ggplot(data = empPow, aes(x = Vus, y = value)) + geom_line() + geom_point() +
ylab("Empirical Power") + scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 1))
For the simulation study, we additionally calculated the p-values of
and varied VUS_1, VUS_2 and N.
In this section we discuss functions of the package
that help in the process of exploring, preparing
and visualizing the data in the context of ROC analysis.
Formal statistical testing is typically preceded by an exploratory
data analysis. The function roc.eda
serves this purpose and
provides three different viewpoints on its input data:
.The last option can be turned off by setting
. If only the interactive three-dimensional
plot is desired, one can also use the functions rocsurf.emp
for empirical ROC surfaces and rocsurf.trin
for trinormal
ROC surfaces.
#> Data overview of trinormal ROC Classifier
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Applied tests: Trinormal based ROC and VUS test
#> Significance level: 0.05
#> Alternative hypothesis: two.sided
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#> data: healthy, intermediate and diseased
#> ROC test statistic: 27.129, ROC p.value: 2e-05
#> VUS test statistic: 3.6, VUS p.value: 0.00032
#> trinormal VUS: 0.356, 95% CI: 0.253 0.459
#> Parameters:
#> a b c d
#> 1.3477 -1.229 1.0791 0.2033
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
roc.eda(dat = cancer[,c(1,5)], type = "empirical", sep.dens = TRUE, scatter = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE)
## last call is equal to:
# x <- with(cancer, cancer[trueClass=="healthy", 5])
# y <- with(cancer, cancer[trueClass=="intermediate", 5])
# z <- with(cancer, cancer[trueClass=="diseased", 5])
# roc.eda(x, y, z, type = "trinormal")
By setting plotVUS = TRUE
an interactive rgl plot window
is opened, displaying the ROC surface computed from the measurements.
Depending the argument type
the empirical or trinormal ROC
surface is computed. The below Figures displays the empirical and
trinormal snapshot of the ROC surfaces of the example data used in this
Empirical and trinormal ROC surfaces
To calculate the VUS (empirical or estimate based on the trinormal assumption) the following code can be used.
data( cancer)
x <- with(cancer, cancer[trueClass=="healthy", 5])
y <- with(cancer, cancer[trueClass=="intermediate", 5])
z <- with(cancer, cancer[trueClass=="diseased", 5])
emp.vus(x, y, z)
#> [1] 0.37741
trinVUS.test(x, y, z)$estimate
#> VUS of Classifier 1
#> 0.3561
trinROC.test(x, y, z)$estimate[1]
#> VUS
#> Classifier1: 0.3561
The ROC surface itself is visualized using
rocsurf.emp(x, y, z)
rocsurf.trin(x, y, z)
The trinormal model based test, trinROC.test
are build upon a normality assumption of the
data. If this assumption is violated, the trinormal tests may yield
incorrect results. A common way to test for normality is the
. If the hypothesis of normally distributed
data is rejected, there is a possibility to apply the function
to the data. This function takes three vectors
, y
and z
and computes a Box-Cox
transformation, see Box and Cox (1964) and
Bantis et al. (2017). Consider this short
x <- rchisq(20, 2)
y <- rchisq(20, 6)
z <- rchisq(20, 10)
boxcoxROC(x, y, z)
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Optimal lambda = 0.15
#> Shift param. lambda2 = 0
#> Shapiro p-values for original data:
#> x = 0.00079639, y = 0.0058895, z = 0.56616
#> Shapiro p-values for Box-Cox transformed data:
#> x = 0.49498, y = 0.10501, z = 0.27073
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
The function roc3.test
computes every one by one
combination of classifiers it contains to a desired combination of the
three statistical tests trinROC.test
and boot.test
in one step.
Furthermore, single classifier assessment tests are automatically
computed as well. The output consists of:
Two data frames that contain information about each marker on its
own. In the first data frame overview
the markers are
sorted by their empirical VUS, while in the second data frame they are
shown in their original order.
For each statistical test that has been chosen, two strictly upper triangular matrices are returned, one containing the p-values and one the test values.
out <- roc3.test(cancer[,1:8], type = c("ROC", "VUS"), paired = TRUE)
#> $Overview
#> Class6 Class1 Class2 Class3 Class4 Class5 Class7
#> Charts 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000 6.0000 7.0000
#> Emp. VUS 0.5317 0.4763 0.4411 0.4354 0.3774 0.3661 0.2918
#> Trin. VUS 0.5740 0.4458 0.4328 0.4250 0.3561 0.3897 0.3553
#> p.value ROC test 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
#> p.value VUS test 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0003 0.0000 0.0004
#> Nr. of NA's 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
#> $P.values
#> $P.values$trinROC
#> Class1 Class2 Class3 Class4 Class5 Class6 Class7
#> Class1 NA 0.9527 0.89812 0.071675 0.8573891 1.0883e-02 0.30848249
#> Class2 NA NA 0.81892 0.021933 0.8186187 1.2059e-02 0.42432806
#> Class3 NA NA NA 0.081259 0.0023365 2.3597e-03 0.45443843
#> Class4 NA NA NA NA 0.0312097 2.8506e-05 0.10736880
#> Class5 NA NA NA NA NA 5.8213e-03 0.30086673
#> Class6 NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.00048197
#> Class7 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
#> $P.values$trinVUS
#> Class1 Class2 Class3 Class4 Class5 Class6 Class7
#> Class1 NA 0.7714 0.75403 0.12626 0.37034 0.1364345 0.1927460
#> Class2 NA NA 0.89459 0.17434 0.40257 0.0872811 0.2717326
#> Class3 NA NA NA 0.24370 0.37377 0.0779480 0.3860841
#> Class4 NA NA NA NA 0.56156 0.0081972 0.9909497
#> Class5 NA NA NA NA NA 0.0154001 0.6544328
#> Class6 NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.0042886
#> Class7 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Several of the arguments of roc3.test
are passed to the
corresponding test functions specified by type
(one or
several of "ROC"
, "VUS"
). These are (with corresponding default values)
paired = FALSE
, conf.level = 0.95
n.boot = 1000
The FDR p-value adjustment to be applied set
p.adjust = TRUE
roc3.test(cancer[,1:8], type = c("ROC", "VUS"), paired = TRUE,
p.adjust = TRUE)$P.values$trinROC
#> Class1 Class2 Class3 Class4 Class5 Class6 Class7
#> Class1 NA 0.9527 0.94303 0.150518 0.943030 0.03617648 0.4627237
#> Class2 NA NA 0.94303 0.057575 0.943030 0.03617648 0.5940593
#> Class3 NA NA NA 0.155131 0.012388 0.01238833 0.5964504
#> Class4 NA NA NA NA 0.072823 0.00059863 0.1878954
#> Class5 NA NA NA NA NA 0.02444965 0.4627237
#> Class6 NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.0050607
#> Class7 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
#> Class1 Class2 Class3 Class4 Class5 Class6 Class7
#> Class1 NA 0.9527 0.89812 0.071675 0.8573891 1.0883e-02 0.30848249
#> Class2 NA NA 0.81892 0.021933 0.8186187 1.2059e-02 0.42432806
#> Class3 NA NA NA 0.081259 0.0023365 2.3597e-03 0.45443843
#> Class4 NA NA NA NA 0.0312097 2.8506e-05 0.10736880
#> Class5 NA NA NA NA NA 5.8213e-03 0.30086673
#> Class6 NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.00048197
#> Class7 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Xiong et al. (2007) also show how to apply the trinormal VUS test to a set of more than two classifiers at once.